Thanks for uploading these here, really appreciate it :p
Thanks for uploading these here, really appreciate it :p
Please finish this lol. I just feel like the chord stacks are too high pitched at the drop.
No words except amazing.
I really hope for the best, to the people who need to have heart surgery. Great song.
Thank you!! 💜
This is my favorite song on Newgrounds now. Way too emotional, makes me wanna cry rn :(
Loving this. This track perfectly captures the "floating" theme.
These chords are really emotional. I love this and I'm sad that I never heard of your music before.
i like the main melody a lot, but it gets repetitive. also, the drums sound like they're not even changed up a little bit, so it sounds unprofessional. the audio is just unclear. i like the drum patterns though.
ike a-ike i, i-i-i-i-i-i- ike uh-ike khkhkhkhkh aaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i-i-i-ike a-ike-o ike-o-oooooooooooooo vrrRRR bubububukukukukukukuvrkukuvrvrkuvrvrvrvrku vuv-vuv-vuv-vuv vuvuvuvuvuvuvvuvuVUVVUVUVUVUvuvuvuvuvuvuVUVUVUVUVUU
Music Producer [Chillstep, Future Garage, Melodic Bass]
Age 20
Ivy Tech Community College
West Lafayette, Indiana
Joined on 8/14/16